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Full name: Amanda Shontal Lang

Nick names: Ummmm.... I don't really have any nick names but if you call me Mandy I will strangle you!!! Naaa maybe not, but plz don't! (no offense to ppl called Mandy meant). Some people call me Manda, but I guess thats kos they just can't be bothered saying the first 'a'. My auntys call me Molly, I don't know where they get that from but any way...

D.O.B.: I was born in Palmerston North Hospital, Palmerston North, New Zealand on Tuesday, 7th of January 1986 at 7:23pm, which makes me 16 :)

Bestest Friend: Coralie Norris! She's cool! visit her site by clicking HERE!!!

Grade in 2002: I'll be in Year 11 in 2002.

Height: 167cm/5'6" I'm short - I know.

Where do I live? I live in Brisbane which is in Queensland which is in Australia!

Hobbies: Ummmm.... Well I luv going on the internet and the computer, but I don't think that you would call that a hobby. I like making web pages - now that I can do it. I like chatting (mainly on MSN). I like camping and hiking very much! Specially when u get lost! My bullmastiff dog is really cool but thats not a hobby either. Oh well you don't mind do you? What else... Fishing is AWESOME!!! but I've only caught one little fish! Oh well. Ok thats enough this was supposed to be hobbies but it's not so never mind.

Fav Sports: Ummmmm, I LOVE fishing! its the best! (ive only been about 6 times and only caught one really little fish although there was the one time that there was a fish on the end of my line and I could SEE it, but when i got it in it wasn't there GRRR), sometimes basketball, snow skiing (I've only been once, but that doesn't stop me from liking it.), baseball, water skiing (I can't do it but never mind that),tobogganing, camping, hiking, ice skating, sand-boarding is legendary (only been once and fell over heaps but its still cool), cricket, hockey and handball. And just for my cousin Connor, I absolutely love soccer!!! (sarcasm!!)

Least Fav Sports: Well I hate soccer and I don't think much of skipping (that's not really a sport but anyway!) either and I can't stand European Handball!

Ambitions: Well I don't know what I want to do when I leave school but I have just under 2 years to decide. I would love to go to Ireland (I love the accent!!!) I want to get my license but I have to wait till the 7th of July 2002 for my learners. I would love to learn javascript or something like that, but i dont really have time. My ultimate goal is an OP1, but it'll take lots of work for that (if u dont know what that is, well its what you get at the end of year 12 that determines if you can get into different university courses, on a scale of 1-25) Hmm as you can tell I'm not real ambitious, but you get that!

Subjects I'm doing in Year 11 & 12: My electives are: Maths B & C, Physics, Chemistry and ITS. The compulsary subjects are Religion and Ethics and English.

Pets: Ok pets... I have 3 pets. They are: A evil himalayn cat who is really my brother's, a cocateil (how ever you spell that) bird who bites my fingers, and best of all a bullmastiff doggy. She is soooo cool and she is mine. She luvs chasing the cat around and pulling me over and dragging me across the ground when I run with her on her leash. Go to the photo page to see a pic of her.

Family: Ummm.... I have a mum and a dad and a little brother called Brayden who is 14.

Fav Food: Well I like lasagne and chocolate (but not too much), I like pizza heaps and I love custard! Kiwi fruit are yummy too. The ginger and Fruz berry frozen yoghurt thing from Yogenfruz at Garden City is soooo yummy! Olives are way nice (specially the green ones with red stuff in the middle [i know the red stuff is capsicum, but it doesn't taste like it so I'll eat it])- Coralie u should change ur mind about not liking them! But the BEST food ever invented would have to be feijoas. If you dont have a clue wat im talking about ur probably not alone. They mainly grow in NZ and its a fruit and its soooo nice. They are pretty small, and green.

I would never eat... I can't stand mangoes, capsicum, squash, pavlova and rockmelon. Everyone that I know thinks I am stupid not to like mangoes but really, they are gross.

ICQ Number: My number is 73351626. So if you have ICQ then add me and I can send you lots of contacts to annoy. Naaa joking. But I will chat to you if you want.

MSN email address: some_stupidperson@hotmail.com, so yeah u should add me

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